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The Big Idea

Over 100 years ago, the founder of chiropractic D.D. Palmer had a big idea. He believed good health could be sustained naturally without drugs or surgery.

Chiropractic is built on the premise that if the nervous system is functioning at its best, the body can self heal and self regulate. 

Chiropractors work on the nervous system by ensuring that every joint is moving efficiently and effectively.

The nervous system controls every single function of every tissue, cell, system and organ in the body. And this directly affects health, wellbeing and performance. 

How Chiropractic Care Works

If the body and brain are not communicating clearly through the nervous system, the body gives us feedback in the way of symptoms. These can be a multitude of issues, from pain, headaches, illness, balance, hormonal issues, gastrointestinal issues, chronic disease and many many more. 

Every day we are all subjected to stressors. This is modern life and is completely normal. We can look at these being the 3 T's - Thoughts. Toxins. Traumas. 

Daily stressors cause compromise to our nervous system if we can't adapt in the appropriate way to manage the load.

Symptoms arise due to reduced resilience and maladaptation.

Chiropractic care improves tolerance to the daily life stressors and can help with overall health and wellbeing.

What Does a Chiropractor Do?

Chiropractors are skilled, professional healthcare practitioners and follow protocols to gather information about your health, your history, symptoms, lifestyle and goals. 

The objective of chiropractic care is to promote healthy nervous system function so your brain and body can connect and communicate vital information. 

Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT)

SOT is a comprehensive, gentle and innovative technique of chiropractic. It is named because of the relationship between the sacrum and the occiput. SOT was founded in 1925 by Dr Dejarnette and since then has continued to be studied and researched around the world.

The Cerebro-Spinal Fluid

One of the functions of the sacrum is to pump Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) from the base of the spine back up the spinal canal to the brain and throughout the nervous system.

This subtle rhythmical motion circulates the CSF which is essential to optimal health. CSF acts as the circulatory system of the brain and the spinal cord.

The Spine and The Pelvis

The pelvis forms foundational support of the human skeleton. It supports the upper body right up to the skull and enables us to transfer our weight to our legs.

The spine holds our body upright and creates anchor points that connect the various fascia supporting our organs and muscle systems. It also protects our delicate nervous system. 

The nervous system controls our body and can only function normally when our structures are balanced and our pelvis is stable. 
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