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  • What is Chiropractic?
    Chiropractic is a safe, natural and drug free method of healthcare. It is the third largest healthcare profession in the world after medicine and dentistry. Chiropractors are extensively trained in the nervous system, the spine and the brain and how these effect health, well-being and performance. Chiropractic has been used, studied and researched for over 100 years. There are many scientific studies and papers with evidence of its effectiveness as a healthcare approach. Chiropractics look for dysfunction and improper motion of the spine and joints and call this a subluxation. This can irritate the nerves and cause pain and other symptoms. It causes wear and tear on the area, as well as the surrounding areas - you might remember having an injury of the foot, but ending up with a sore hip... the hip took more stress than it was designed to. Subluxation also impairs communication and messages sent to and from the body to the brain via the nervous system, which can lead to poor health and performance. The brain uses the nervous system as its 'eyes'. For us to be our best, the eyes need to see as clearly as possible. Within Chiropractic, there are many different techniques a chiropractor can learn and specialise in, while the objective is to improve the nervous system function and have the brain and body super well-connected. Some chiropractors use manual adjusting techniques, some use very light touch gentle techniques. At The Chiro Lab, we are trained in a variety of techniques to have a range of 'tools in our toolbox' for the benefit of the individual patient.
  • Isn't chiropractic just for back pain?
    While many people associate chiropractic care in helping with back pain, neck pain and headaches, chiropractors specialise finding subluxation which interfere with the function of the nervous system. A subluxation can cause a multitude of symptoms. Some patients report having better focus and mental clarity, improved sleep and immune function, greater balance and co-ordination. In children, some parents have reported reduced sick days, ear aches, behaviour improvements, bed-wetting, learning and attention benefits after chiropractic care.
  • How many appointments will I need to fix my back pain?
    Pain is often the last symptom and how many appointments you will require varies from person to person. We aim to get you back to work, life and sport as quickly as possible and work with you to ensure you get well and stay well. This means looking for the root cause of an issue, not just using a band aid or masking the symptoms. We will teach you how train your body to move more effectively to prevent reoccurring injuries. Many factors can affect the healing process. Your age, fitness, past accidents or injuries, nutrition and underlying conditions all play a big part. Our job is to work with you, not against you! If, x-rays, other imaging or specialist referral is required we will advise accordingly and assist you with this.
  • How do you work with babies and why would they need chiropractic?
    "It is easier to grow healthy kids than to fix broken adults" From birth to puberty, a child's spine goes through more changes and more stress than any other time of life. For babies that endured birth trauma or required birthing intervention (C-Section, forceps) it is even more important that they get checked for imbalances and tension. As babies turn to toddlers and have repeated falls while learning to walk, balance, and do all things toddler, repeated stress can create spinal misalignments, which can affect their health and well-being. Only 10% of the nervous system perceives pain and the other 90% is involved in bodily functions! Some parents report that chiropractic care helps with latching, sleeping, constipation and digestive issues, settling, hitting milestones and less sickly days. Happier babies = Happier Mummies. We are trained to assess and modify techniques for very gentle and safe baby suitable care. Paediatric care is so gentle that babies may sleep through appointments! At The Chiro Lab we love looking after the future generation, we feel it is very important to have babies and children checked. If you are prohibited by costs, please talk to us about this.
  • How can Chiropractic care help athletes?
    Prehab or prevention is key for athletes. Research has shown athletes have greater strength and reaction time post chiropractic adjustments. When the nervous system is functioning optimally, with clear messages going from the brain to the body -and- body to the brain, athletes are less prone to injury. The brain has greater proprioception, faster, more accurate processing time, sharper focus. The body has more range of motion, the tiny stabilising muscles are firing as designed and the big muscle groups are able to take the heavy load. Correct biomechanics distributes stress and load throughout the body as designed, reducing overuse, micro-trauma, breakdown. Post injury chiropractic care assists by allowing the body to better self heal and self regulate. Athletes challenge and test their body beyond natural limitations, this comes at a cost. Many elite athletes endorse and utilise chiropractic care.
  • My child gets headaches, can you help?
    We will perform a friendly, happy and low stress check up to determine if your child can benefit from chiropractic care. We support growing bodies and minds and we care that your child is on the right track. To grow healthy and resilient children, a healthy nervous system is essential. Day to day childhood injuries and stressors are normal. We strive to help the growing body adapt and develop resilience by maintaining the nervous system function. Some symptoms of a less than optimal nervous system are; headaches, attention issues, unsettled behaviour, poor sleep, digestion issues, bed-wetting, sickly, tired or grumpiness. Parents often tell us their children are more settled, better regulated and have improved well-being after regular chiropractic care.
  • Is chiropractic dangerous?
    Chiropractors are primary health care practitioners. We hold a Bachelor of Chiropractic and have studied for a minimum of five years. It is a rigorous and extensive degree to ensure that we are able to identify if a patient will benefit from chiropractic care or if they need referring for further investigation or a different healthcare provider. All patients have a thorough case history and physical exam before we discuss the best plan for you as an individual. Chiropractic adjustments can be anything from light touch, through to manual adjusting depending on the technique that best fits the needs of each patient. In the 1978-1979 New Zealand Commission of Inquiry, it was found that chiropractic is an extraordinarily effective and unique health care system. The commission report strongly endorsed chiropractic services and called for medical cooperation. The impact of the commission was positive not only for New Zealand, but globally.
  • My elderly parent is losing balance, could chiropractic help?
    Older adults can face health struggles. Loss of flexibility, joint degeneration and balance decline are some of the common challenges seen. Chiropractic can help with proprioception and balance by improving the nervous system communication from the brain to the body. Small receptors at the base of the cervical spine send messages to the brain about where the limbs are functioning in space. Chiropractic care stimulates these receptors and increases their effectiveness 'a bit like a reset button', this makes sure the messages to and from the brain are as accurate as possible. Chiropractic care can provide pain relief which in turn helps people keep moving, moving people are far healthier than sedentary ones. Some patients report immune system benefits from care and find they have less sick days. Regular chiropractic care helps with range of motion so people can keep doing activities they enjoy, which increases quality of life. There are a number of evidence based academic studies outlining the benefits of chiropractic care for older adults.
  • How is Chiropractic different from a Physiotherapist or Osteopath?
    Doctors of Chiropractic undergo extensive, rigorous academic education as well as learning the physical skills and art required to deliver chiropractic adjustments. A chiropractic adjustment is very unique. It is extremely specific, high speed and a shallow depth impulse, which can make profound changes to the nervous system. A bit like a 'reset button' for the brain and body, giving the brain better information through the nervous system. An adjustment can provide some patients with instant, immediate relief, others will take weeks or longer. Healing, adapting, getting greater performance is a journey, not a destination and a little bit of maintenance goes a long way. A chiropractor aims to influence the whole body and health of a patient by improving the brain's awareness of the body, the clarity of the messages being sent from the nervous system and the motion and function of the spine and other joints. An Osteopath treats the joints and muscles through the circulatory and lymphatic system, focusing on the whole body including the internal organs. They may do manipulations, stretching, massaging. Osteopaths, like Chiropractors share the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself and is always striving to adapt and heal. A Physiotherapist focuses on a specifically injured joint and treats the muscles, ligaments and tendons that are involved in the function of that joint. They use tools such as laser, ultrasound, heat and hands on massage to the injured joint. Some physiotherapists work with patients in gyms or prescribe strengthening exercises to restore the strength of the injured joint. This is different to a chiropractor who has a wider focus looking to why the injury occurred, bio-mechanical alterations of the body and if the nervous system is functioning optimally.

Frequently Asked Questions

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